Jan 30Prince Of Persia: The Lost CrownPrince Of Persia: The Lost Crown is a fresh take on the franchise, returning to its 2D platformer roots. Justin Bell worked with lead...
Jul 9, 2022Black Butterflies airs on BET HerBlack Butterflies is a powerful short film about complications with child birth, and risks with black motherhood in America. I had the...
Sep 9, 2021The Matrix: ResurrectionsI had to keep this under wraps for nearly two whole years, and I'm incredibly excited to announce my involvement with The Matrix:...
Nov 24, 2020OUTBACK Soundtrack Album ReleasedFull score to the feature film "Outback" by director Mike Green is now live. Following Wade and Lisa on their vacation to Australia gone...
Oct 1, 2020Petrichor, A Sonic Journey (Deluxe Edition)It is very exciting to see the Deluxe edition of the soundtrack released! This special performance art project by the Sokamba Performing...
Sep 26, 2020Music review by TheFilmScorer.comMy score has been reviewed by TheFilmScorer.com for the short film "The Mud", by director and animator Brandon Lake! (We are the last...